National Tournaments

As it stands today, there are quite a number of national tournaments. All of them require prior qualification. If you qualify, we very strongly encourage you to attend!


Stands for: High School National Championship Tournament
Sponsor: NAQT (National Academic Quiz Tournaments)
How to qualify: Finish in the top fifteen percent of a tournament that uses NAQT questions (such as nearly every tournament we run!)
Details: The HSNCT, which over 300 teams attend each year, is the largest single Quiz Bowl tournament in the nation. It is usually held in Atlanta or Chicago. The tournament is held over two days on Memorial Day Weekend. The tournament is one of the few in the nation that is timed; games are just 18 minutes instead of the usual 30 to 35, but contain just as many questions! A large number of teams qualify for the double-elimination playoffs. This is the nation’s premier academic championship, and it’s a very good goal to be able to attend.


Stands for: National Scholastic Championship
Sponsor: PACE (Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence)
How to qualify: Finish in the top twenty-five percent at a tournament certified by PACE
Details: The NSC is far more difficult than the HSNCT. With very long questions, in-depth topics, and a very competitive field, it should only be attended by the very best of teams. It uses a format similar to any given regular-season tournament, but far longer. Like the HSNCT, it takes place over two days. Our tournaments will not qualify you for this event. You need to play another tournament in the Northeast that does.


Stands for: Small School National Championship Tournament
Sponsor: NAQT
How to qualify:
1. Be a small school (See HERE) AND
2. Finish in the top 30% of all small schools at any tournament using NAQT questions, and have at least one win
Details: The SSNCT has the same format as the HSNCT, but the questions are quite a bit easier, comparable to a Hard-level high school set. On top of that, eligibility is severely restricted, and restricted further into various divisions based on school size and type. All that said, if a school qualifies, it is definitely in their interest to attend, as it tends to be a particularly excellent event.

However, be forewarned: the Northeast Regional Championships uses the same set of questions as the SSNCT, so you cannot play both in a single season.


Stands for: National All-Star Academic Tournament
Sponsor: IQBT (International Quiz Bowl Tournaments)
How to qualify: Each player qualifies individually; see details.
Details: The NASAT features state-based all-star teams instead of school-based ones. As such, anyone who wants to play must go through a tryout. These tryouts are very ad hoc and are usually put together on the fly by groups of players who wish to compete from your particular state.
As the NASAT is the most difficult tournament in all of High School Quizbowl, you should not try out unless you are very, very good– constantly appearing in championship games, winning scoring titles at tournaments, being able to answer every question in an old NASAT packet, and such.
If you’re still interested, feel free to contact us and we can point you in the right direction.

If you have more questions about National Tournaments, drop us a line HERE.